CodeWeek is pleased to bring to you
“Understanding Ruby on Rails”
Seminar for Ruby on Rails Developers
June 18th, 2011
When: Saturday, June 18, 2011
Where: Shapes, Gulberg Lahore.
Who: All Ruby on Rails Developers out there
Duration: 2:00 pm- 6:30 pm
Ali Syed: CEO, 7Vals
Hasham Malik: Principal Engineer, 7Vals
Umair Ijaz: Sr. Software Engineer, VeriQual Ltd
Nazar Hussain: Training Manager, Nextbridge Pvt Ltd
What You’ll Learn
Understanding Rails- an Introduction to Ruby on Rails
Understanding Helper
Beyond MVC-DCI
SASS- the future of style sheet
End to end coffee scripts
We will build an application together in one hour (hands-on Development)
The registration fee for the Ruby on Rails Seminar is Rs. 850 (before the deadline of 14th June), but will go up to Rs. 1000 after the deadline.
In order to take advantage of the reduced pricing, kindly remit the payment (in cash) by Wednesday, June 15th, 2011, at the provided address.
Cost of attendance will be substantially higher if payment is not received by this date.
Note: We have limited seats. We might close our shutters before 14th June, so sign up as soon as possible.
Submit the fee at the following address
Address: 22-E, BLOCK-L
Gulberg -lll.
Phone: 042-35853723