One can have better idea about the next upcoming movie of Shoaib Mansoor which is Bol. On releasing Khuda kay liye he changed the picture of Pakistani film industry. Film won many national and international awards. Pakistani cinema was not ever being able to compete Indian cinema and when the Indian movies were being started to show in Pakistan the film industry of Pakistan had to show a big fall. But no one can change the truth that one project of Shoaib Mansoor can defeat many bollywood movies.
Film is produced by Showman and written and directed by Shoaib Mansoor. The film cast includes Atif Aslam, Humaima Abbasi, Mahira Khan, Shafqat Cheema, Manzar Sehbai, Zaib Rehman & Amr Kashmiri. Shooting is done in Lahore and many students of NCA assisted Shoaib while directing the movie especially in sets design. Just like khuda kay liye, Bol also depicts a story very close to realities of life. A story of family suffering with poverty but holding set of values that we inherit and tightly hold on to it. It will take you into the life of a family with house full of daughters, their sufferings, their emotions, hardships and resolves. It will make you to think the worth of human being.
Atif Aslam, Humaima Abbasi and Mahira Khan are first time appearing on the cinema screen. After being so much successful as a model and actor on television, Humaima is playing a role of daughter who respects the norms and values given to her by parents but she is the one who is affected the most by family tensions.
The expectations are very high and people are waiting to see it on big screen. Fans of Atif Aslam are desperate to watch Atif first time on the screen as acting. And we are in no doubt that Bol would be another hit of Pakistan cinema industry and will let the people proud on talents of Pakistani entertainment industry.
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