ISI and CIA to continue sharing intelligence: Gillani

Prime Minister Gilani said Pakistan will continue intelligence sharing with the US while talking to journalists in Lahore. However, he said that Washington had been told in clear terms that a repeat of Abbottabad raid would not be tolerated. PM said that the two governments had yet to resolve their differences on the policy of drone strikes. He also said that Islamabad had sought help from the US to overcome energy crisis.

Relations with the US in general had turned sour after subsequent incidents involving a US contractor arbitrarily shooting two men in Lahore in January, and then a covert US operation deep inside Pakistani territory that killed al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden in early May. The relations between CIA and ISI had broken down to such an extent that the Prime Minister himself declared in an interview that the cooperation between the two intelligence agencies had broken down. Pakistan ultimately ended up asking the US to recall all troops stationed in Pakistan.

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